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BrowZine: DOI/PMID Lookup

Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID

Examples to try (copy and paste these into the box above):

DOI Examples:

  • 10.1186/s12898-019-0263-7     (PDF and Article Link available. Known open access so no authentication presented.)
  • 10.1016/j.fas.2020.05.008         (PDF and Article Link available. Clicking through however results in a (non useable) authentication required)

PMID Examples:

  • 25435309  (PDF and Article Link available. Clicking through however results in a (non useable) authentication required)
  • 30302018  (PDF and Article Link available via unpaywall data which is consulted whenever the document is not available from other known OA sources or your library subscriptions).

If the DOI/PMID is not found in your library collection, a Link Resolver option will be shown to allow linking to your link resolver/document delivery options for fulfillment along with all known metadata.


What does this do? makes it incredibly easy to resolve known item lookups for items with DOI or PMID identifiers.

Simply put in a DOI or PMID in the box on your home page and LibKey will very quickly present format options (PDF or Article Link or both) for that particular item.  Using allows researchers to focus on content rather than worrying about choosing databases or navigating publisher pages.

Some other unique highlights of the result page:

LibKey_io Format Chooser

  • A - Prominent Organization Branding
  • B - Easy ability to lookup another article immediately directly from
  • C -  Automatically remember format choice - If a user REALLY wants to just go directly to the PDF or Article Link whenever possible for the next 24 hours, they can check this box before choosing a format option and LibKey will remember their choice in their browser.  This produces a lightening fast resolution to full text!
  • D - Discover More - many articles can also be viewed in their originally published context via BrowZine and this one-click link option will appear in those cases to create a terrific serendipitous discovery experience!
  • E - Trouble?  If links aren't resolving right it may be helpful to check the link resolver for all access options.  Clicking here will show all available sources via your link resolver.

What else can you do with is also a linking syntax which can be used to automatically resolve full text based on a DOI or PMID by over 10 Million researchers at nearly 1,000 organizations around the world!

You can easily build links by hand using this syntax:[DOI or PMID]

That's it! will take care of the rest helping to identify where the user is coming from, what their entitlements are, how they authenticate and so on.

You can read more about this syntax in our developer's documentation here: Linking Syntax Documentation


How to add the DOI/PMID Lookup to your LibGuide

STEP 1 - Locate your Third Iron ID

Via BrowZine: Log in to BrowZineYour Third Iron ID is the number in your library's BrowZine URL:

Via Log in to LibKey.ioYour Third Iron ID is the number in your library's LibKey URL:

STEP 2 - Add the search box code

1. Using "Rich Text / HTML", select 

2. Add the following HTML Code:

<img alt="" loading="lazy" src="//" style="width: 20px; height: 30px; float: left;margin-right:10px;" />
<form action="" method="GET">
    <h4>Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID</h4>
    <label for="item">DOI/PMID Lookup </label>
    <input name="item" required="" type="text" />
    <input type="submit" value="Find Article" />

3. Replace the ### with your library's Third Iron ID

STEP 3 - Tweak to fit

Play around with the code to match your site's design. Need help?  Contact us at 

Sites hosted on are not compatible with the search widget due to Wordpress-imposed security restrictions.