Get your library's URL and Library ID by going to and finding your library in the list. Then, use a test DOI/PMID to execute a search (try 31771559). The resulting URL will include your library's URL and Library ID. URL:
Library ID:
Need to get an article to a researcher and have the DOI or PMID? Simply type "[DOI/PMID]" into your browser's search bar for quick and easy DOI/PMID resolution.[DOI or PMID]
Bonus:'s linking is durable and persistent, so it won't expire. And since authentication happens when users click to access the full text, you can share links with confidence, knowing that your link will work and only authorized users will get access to the library's full text.
Your library's easy DOI and PMID search.
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What- is your library's simple search interface that allows users to find full-text of an article by using just the DOI or PubMed ID (PMID). Use our embedded box above to try it for yourself!
Who- is helpful to anyone with a DOI or PMID, advanced researchers who are comfortable with citations, faculty, and library staff. If you need full text quickly and you have a DOI or PMID, is for you!
How- You can link to your library's DOI search as a standalone site with your custom URL, or you can embed a search box directly into your webpage- see below for examples.
Use our code for a DOI/PMID search box that's embedded directly into your website, allowing your users to query a DOI or PubMed ID without leaving your site. The results page opens automatically, giving easy access to full text with this single data point.
See it live on Rocky Mountain College's Interlibrary Loan page by clicking the image below.
Access the instructions here, and be sure to use your Library's Third Iron ID!
See the next tab in this box for an example of an embedded DOI search box in a tabbed form.
If you have a tabbed search form on your site, you can also use our HTML code to create a separate tab for DOI search via! The library of Blekinge Institute of Technology (Blekinge Tekniska Högskola) has done this with the "Get PDF" tab on their main search.
Access step-by-step instructions here, and be sure to use your library's Third Iron ID in place of the placeholder.