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LibKey & BrowZine

Examples, best practices, and tips and tricks to get the most out of LibKey and BrowZine.

Email Promotion

Are you able to email your patrons? 

An email campaign is a great way to alert your researchers to LibKey Nomad! 

However, to do this right, you'll need to send multiple emails. Most readers will not take action until the second or third email. The first email begins to bring Nomad to their attention. The second reminds them that it's available. Hopefully by the third email they'll realize they've got to have this wonderful tool!

The second thing to keep in mind with any promotional endeavor is that if you want people to do something, give them one task and one task only. In this case, that task is to install LibKey Nomad! So every email should include a clear call to action to install LibKey Nomad. It's tempting to include additional information, like links to help pages, library contact information, and answers to frequently asked questions. Resist! The objective is to get your patrons to install Nomad, so avoid any messaging that might distract from that task.

We recommend sending these emails two weeks apart.


SUBJECT: Do you use Google Scholar, PubMed, or Wikipedia?

Install LibKey Nomad to streamline full text access!

The library is excited to offer you free access to the LibKey Nomad browser extension so that you can easily connect to full text while you are searching online for articles.

Nomad will activate on scholarly websites like Google Scholar, PubMed, ResearchGate, Wikipedia, and hundreds of publisher websites to quickly connect you to full text.

[Optional – insert a screen shot of LibKey Nomad on a website of interest to your users]

Have you ever been frustrated by a paywall on a publisher website? Or irritated by the number of clicks to check for full text in PubMed? The LibKey Nomad browser extension will instantly check for full text availability from the library and present you with the single best and fastest link to download the PDF, view the article, or request it from the library if it is not immediately available.

Simply visit to get started!

Please contact the library if you have any questions.


SUBJECT: Tired of Publisher Paywalls?

Install the LibKey Nomad browser extension to escape publisher paywalls!

As a researcher affiliated with our library, you should never pay for a scholarly journal article. The LibKey Nomad browser extension will automatically check for full text access for hundreds of publisher websites covering thousands of journals:

[Optional: Insert an image of LibKey Nomad providing access on a paywalled publisher page]

Install LibKey Nomad here:

Please contact the library with any questions.

SUBJECT: Install LibKey Nomad for Instant Full Text

Have you installed the LibKey Nomad browser extension yet?

LibKey Nomad is a safe, secure, and privacy-protecting browser plugin that is provided to you free of charge by your library.

Installation takes 10-20 seconds. Download LibKey Nomad here to get started right now:

Please contact the library with any questions.